Red Seas Under Red Skies Read-Along, Part 1

So, following the read along for The Lies of Locke Lamora, Little Red Reviewer, SF Signal, Lynn’s Book Blog, and Dark Cargo have decided to continue on with a read along for Red Seas Under Red Skies, the sequal. How could I resist, since I love these books so ridiculously? Questions this week supplied by My Awful Reviews, so thank you for that! I am going to do my best to answer these questions with no spoilers past the reading for the week!

1. The Sinspire. It looks like our heroes (can they really be called that?) find themselves in search of a way into an unbeatable vault. Do you think they have what it takes to make it happen?

To be honest, given what we know about the Gentlemen Bastards, I think any job that they take on, they can do. I think they’re smart enough that, if it’s avoidable, they won’t do a job that they can’t reasonably expect to finish — reasonable in their terms, obviously, since their sense of reason is quite a bit different than mine!

2.  Anyone want to guess how they’re going to make it happen?

Avoiding this question for spoiler purposes.

3. It’s a little different this time around, with us just being focused on Locke and Jean. Is anyone else missing the rest of the Bastards as much as I am?

I miss them so much! It makes me all sad that they’re doing this as a duo, instead of as a gang, because the gang as a whole was so… perfect and complete. However, I do like seeing Locke and Jean working through the aftermath of everything that happened, and finding a new dynamic just as a duo.

4. I love the section where Jean starts to build a new guild of thieves. It really shows just how well trained and tough he is. Do you think the Bastards will end up training others along the way again like Bug?

Whether they will or not? I don’t really know. I don’t think so, but I don’t know how much of that is leaking over from the fact that I don’t really want them to. It would be difficult for it not to feel like they’re replacing the people that they lost, and that’s the last thing I want to think. However, if anyone could write it and have it not feel that way, I suppose it would be Scott Lynch. Still though, I’d rather just continue on with Locke and Jean, and maybe some Sabetha thrown into the mix at some point!

5. For those of you looking for Sabetha, we still haven’t spotted her yet. Anyone else chomping at the bit to see the love of Locke’s life?


Uh, sorry. Little bit of excitement leaking through there.

6. It’s early on, but the Bastards are already caught up in plots that they didn’t expect. How do you think their new “employer” is going to make use of them (The Archon, that is)?

I guess this is another one I should really not answer in order to avoid spoilers, but I will say this… I think the boys should be getting used to always having things happening to them that they don’t expect. Poor boys! Fun for us though.

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. nrlymrtl
    Apr 28, 2012 @ 18:32:17

    I miss the gang too. Tho, I do appreciate Lynch taking the time and effort to have Jean and Locke work thru the aftermath instead of just throwing in a few lines about locking it all away inside and moving on with life.


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  4. Redhead
    Apr 29, 2012 @ 00:25:45

    if this book took place in Camorr I’d be missing the old gang so much I wouldn’t be able to stand it. So I’m really happy Lynch dumped us someplace else. good distractions and all. I’m not sure Bug would do very well outside Camorr. 😦

    I do like that we get to know Locke, and especially Jean so much better in this book. we got plenty of background and surface stuff in the first book about Locke, but we’re about to really get to know what he’s made of.

    I’m looking forward to learning more about Selendri, and learning what the hell the Archon is up to. He is such a dick!


  5. Gina
    Apr 29, 2012 @ 12:55:04

    My favorite line of the Locke ABC Jean duo is when Locke says, “You either forgive me or you don’t, but you have to do it all the way.” (However that quote goes, I don’t have my book ) Though I can’t say I blame Jean.


  6. Amy
    Apr 29, 2012 @ 16:11:43

    I think there will be more Gentleman Bastards but they won’t all be as close. It will probably have to happen out of necessity though (how will they get into the vault?!) but I won’t feel the same about them as I did the others.


  7. lynnsbooks
    Apr 29, 2012 @ 16:33:35

    I know this is probably going to make me seem a bit heartless but I’ve been enjoying the book so much that I hadn’t been missing the rest of the gang – my bad 😦 I love the interaction between Jean and Locke and the banter and insults.

    As to whether they can succeed – well, although we don’t know what it, they clearly have a plan, and they must think it can work!
    Lynn 😀


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